Haibin Lin | 林海滨

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Haibin works on machine learning systems at Bytedance, focusing on optimizing DL frameworks for large scale training & LLMs. He previously worked with Yibo Zhu. Prior to Bytedance, he works on ML system and natural language processing at Amazon Web Services, with a team led by Mu Li and Alex Smola. He finished his M.S. in Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Andy Pavlo. Prior to that, he received a B.Eng. in Computer Science from University of Hong Kong and Shanghai Jiao Tong University jointly. 

The team at Bytedance work on training LLMs with more than 10k GPUs.

Softwares (Python, C++, CUDA)


Large-scale distributed training systems

ML frameworks and toolkits

Deep learning

Database systems

Distributed optimization algorithms


Selected Awards